The time Robert Pattinson Dealt with a Crazy Fan by Taking Her on a Date

Arturo Perozo
3 min readDec 14, 2022
Pic Courtesy: Vanity Fair

Robert Pattinson, that actor who started out playing roles in which, through no fault of his own, made the public either hate him completely or love him passionately. His interpretations, such as the vampire “Edward Cullen” probably one of the most hated and at the same time loved characters in the cinematographic industry, always gave something to talk about. Pattinson is an actor, model, producer and singer. His career began during his adolescence as a model for several children’s brands, but after the arrival of puberty, he began to have problems getting new jobs, so he decided to devote himself to acting.

Which brings us to the year 2005, Pattinson was at the peak of his fame thanks to Twilight, wherever he went, he literally had behind him a horde of fans in love with him, or rather, his character.

He had traveled to Spain to shoot the movie “Little Ashes”, where he played the painter Salvador Dalí. After returning home from a long day of filming, he noticed a fan waiting outside, the fan asked him for a photo, an autograph and they chatted a bit before the actor went home to rest and get ready for another day of filming. He didn’t think much about the pleasant interaction he had before. The next day he woke up early, had breakfast and when he was about to head to the studio, he was…



Arturo Perozo

Im a Chef, Krav Maga practitioner/enthusiast and a Writer. I know, weird combination. Not a native english speaker and writer, so feel free to correct me.