The Last inhabitants of the “Land at the End of the World”

Arturo Perozo
3 min readJul 12, 2022

Seeing photographs of ancient tribes that became extinct, or rather were “forcibly extinct”, evokes a mixture of emotions that is difficult for a person to describe. The first emotion, and not necessarily because they are felt in that particular order, is curiosity, seeing those people who are strange to us, inhabiting the world in a peculiar way and nothing similar to how we live in this modern society, is undoubtedly something wonderful, but at the same time intriguing. The second is surprise, a surprise that comes from seeing something as complex as the…



Arturo Perozo

Im a Chef, Krav Maga practitioner/enthusiast and a Writer. I know, weird combination. Not a native english speaker and writer, so feel free to correct me.